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[日期:2018-10-22] 来源:本站  作者:张建 [字体: ]


Introduction to Professor Wang Wenyuan, the Founder of Balance Acupuncture


Wang Wenyuan, male, born in Linyi, Shandong Province, is a Chief Physician and a member of the Communist Party of China. Professor Wang is a member of the Army General Hospital Expert Group, Director of the Balance Acupuncture Center of the Army, and visiting Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.  He has served as executive member of the Chinese Acupuncture Association, director of the China Association for the Promotion of Chinese Medicine, Vice Committee Chair of the Folk Therapy of the Chinese Medicine Association, Chinese Gerontology.He is the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Geriatrics and the Department of Balance Acupuncture, the executive director of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the vice chairman of the acupuncture committee.



After more than 50 years of painstaking research, the prevention and treatment of more than 100,000 troops training injuries, the clinical research of 600,000 outpatients, and the clinical verification of more than 4,000 hospitals nationwide, he successfully created modern balance acupuncture. Under the guidance of the theory of balance acupuncture, modern balance psychology, modern balance tuina, and modern balance cupping balance health care were created. Through the study of the major basic theories of the National 973, the "balance medicine series of modern balance needle -- brain technology, brain theory, brain culture system" was formally proposed. The technical characteristics of safety, single hole and three seconds were formed. He is not picky about patients, diseases, time and technical conditions.


He has launched more than 500 new technologies to treat more than 1,000 kinds of diseases such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, hyperlipemia, hyperglycemia, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular Sequela, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, osteoarthritis of the knee, intercostal neuralgia, gout, Parkinson's disease, Lyme disease, intractable insomnia, chronic prostatitis, allergic disease, nerve tinnitus, migraine and trigeminal neuralgia. These diseases are all treated through the brain of the patient. The doctor only helps the patient to open the switch of life and let the patient treat his own disease.



He won more than 20 awards for military science and technology achievements. Training more than 30,000 acupuncture physicians inside and outside the military. Classified as national 973 The National Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the rural and community-appropriate technology promotion project. rewards second-class work 2 times, third-class work 3 times, was named the advanced individual of the Chinese military, the technology expert of the whole army of Chinese medicine, The most beautiful military doctor of the military, the global Chinese model figure in 2017, the first Chinese traditional Chinese medicine society, the Beijing Military Region civilian cadre model, the talented experts, the outstanding Communists, the advanced individuals of science and technology, the advanced individuals of Beijing spiritual civilization, the pacesetter the first 100 national volunteers, enjoys the special allowance of the State Council.


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